Aaris Williams

Aaris Williams

I signed up for Hope Center for Arts and Technolgy’s ceramics class with very little knowledge of what I was really getting myself into.
I as aware of the arts but the feelings that it brought go way deeper than the minerals.
Walking into the HopeCAT building in Sharon was enough to overwhelm me with positive emotion. Just imagine how indescribably overjoyed I was to learn about the opportunity to go to Yellowstone National Park.
For the first time in a long time, everything felt right.
I was with a group of amazing humans with differing opinions but we all shared a passion; a passion for nature, hiking and arts.
The way we all connected was truly inspiring.
We were engulfed within a piece of untampered earth. All of earth’s natural features were worshiped, admired and respected in a way that should always be.
The trip to Yellowstone was a glimpse of the way life should and could be: a clean, raw earth filled with beings with different, respectable views, opportunities and positive connections.
My trip to Yellowstone was purely astonishing.


Aaris Williams is a senior at Brookfield High School and afterschool student of the Hope Center for Arts and Technology, Sharon. Other Brookfield students who attend HopeCAT and went on the Yellowstone trip were: senior Rhyan Ramirez; junior Rebecca Oliver; and sophomores Heaven O’Donnell and Riley Brantley.

Rhyan Ramirez

Rhyan Ramirez

Heaven O'Donnell

Heaven O’Donnell

Riley Brantley

Riley Brantley