Brookfield firefighters, who have had success securing Federal Emergency Management Agency grants in the past, are applying for two more.
Township trustees on Jan. 16 authorized applying for $435,000 toward the purchase of a new engine; and $37,883 for small pieces of equipment, including thermal imaging cameras, hose, nozzles and hand tools.
The township would have to pay $22,660 as a match, which includes a $4,000 fee to Grant Source Professionals, Youngstown, should the engine grant be awarded, and $4,334 for the small tools, which also includes the grant writing fee, said Lt. Nick Cresanto. Hartford Township would pay 12 percent of Brookfield’s cost.

Brookfield Township Fire Department recently took possession of these new rescues tools. Howell Rescue Systems installed new hydraulic hose and accessories on the rescue truck to give power to the spreading and cutting tools.
The township has to pay $700 for grant writing up front.
The township recently was awarded a FEMA grant for rescue tools and has secured in the past grants for turnout gear, a truck and air tanks.
Trustees have authorized repairs to the steering of the rescue truck, an estimated $5,000 project.
The truck sometimes clanks on turns, Interim Fire Chief Dave Coffy said in January.
“It’s the second busiest truck we have, beside the ambulances,” he said. “It’s just normal wear and tear.”
The truck also needs its air conditioning fixed, to the tune of $1,500, but firefighters said they can hold off on that until sometime in the future.
In February, trustees approved buying a set of turnout gear – the boots, coat, helmet and pants firefighters wear on a call – from West Salem Township Volunteer Fire Department for $1,800.
This set is a larger size than most because the recipient, Brookfield firefighter Richard Fink, is a “big boy,” Coffy said. Fink formerly was a member of West Salem.
A new set of turnout gear runs about $2,800, officials said.
“He works quite a bit,” Coffy said.
If Fink should leave Brookfield, the gear will stay with the department, officials said.
Trustees on Feb. 8 authorized the replacement of an engine in a 2010 Chevrolet Express one-ton ambulance. They accepted a proposal from West Hill Automotive in Masury to install a remanufactured diesel motor for $10,948. The motor comes with a three-year, 100,000-mile warranty.
Two other quotes received were $12,491 and $12,710.
The ambulance has 91,000 miles but has not been used for a year.
“I guess what they felt was the problem was the cold starts and just jumping in and going,” said Police Chief Dan Faustino, the appointed fire department financial administrator. “It took a toll on that.”
The ambulance was bought with a federal loan and the township still owes $40,000.
The department is running three ambulances, two that are a year old and a 2005 model. Getting the fourth back in service simplifies scheduling when the ambulances have to be serviced, Faustino said.