Brookfield Citizens Against Injection Wells took their message to the Brookfield Township Green Friday afternoon, April 20, 2018. The protesters, who included local residents and their fellow supporters from outside the township, held up signs with their anti-injection well messages as traffic streamed around The Green in Brookfield Center.
The group plans more such rallies at local sites and events to get the word out about the dangers of injection wells, said Gloria Douglas, township resident and protest organizer. The group plans to take advantage of the traffic at the first Yankee Lake Truck Night of the season, set for next weekend, April 27-29, and the Strimbu Memorial Fund Texas-style BBQ, May 2, at Yankee Lake Ballroom.
Pictured at Friday’s protest are, from left: Gloria Douglas, Brookfield; Chris Khumprakob of Youngstown; and, behind Khumprakob, Leonard Grbinick of Austintown.