Brookfield Local School District graduated 70 students May 26 during commencement in Powers Auditorium, DeYor Performing Arts Center, Youngstown.
The class valedictorian is Dustin Lee Moffett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moffett, of Brookfield.
The class has four salutatorians: Julianne First, daughter of Jay and Deborah First of Masury; Jarrett Todd Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Todd Johnson, Masury; Morgan McNamara, daughter of Brenda and Michael McNamara, Brookfield; and Kathryn Rogers-Vadala, daughter of Dean and Carrie Vadala, Brookfield.
The other graduates are:
Dane Michael Abraham, Tyler J. Bacon, Chloe Blackshear, Jake Brakeman, Joshua Brakeman, Seantya Ellisse Brown, Brandon Chambers, Tammra Lynnae Clark and Dionte J. Colwell.
Jeffrey Benett Combine, Donald Jacob Glen Davis, Madeline Grace Denno, Alexander DeRenzis, Bailey Jo Drapola, Brena M. Dugan, Shane Isaiah Eash, Elizabeth Rose Engelhardt and Michael G. Evans II.
Cody Jo Fisher, Nicholas A. Goodworth, McCleese LeAnn Graybill, Makaylah Grover, Joseph D. Hackett, Kelsie Blake Hamilton, Running Bear Hebert, Julie Marie Hettrick and Jon Hiner.
Shawn Maurice Hitt Jr., Christopher Edward Hurst, Michael A. Isco, Brandon Lee Kashmer, Seth Joaquin Klinger, Tyler M. Lucas, Dale Benjamin May, Michael Vance McKenzie and Courtney Anna Means.
Dakota Alan Miglets, Kaleigh Brooke Miller, Kayla Ann Miller, Jonathan Thomas Misinay, Logan Moore, Chase R. Morris, Stevie Rys Olek, Taylor Katelyn Oviatt, Cory James Parke and Alexander James Parrish.
Aleciah Jean Rainey, Rhyan Ramirez, Isabella Marie Fay Rapp, Kirsten Lynn Russo, Kevin Sanson, Hannah Dianne Scharba, Gabrielle Payton Schiska, Eric Lyle Shingledecker Jr. and Emily Kay Simcox.
Quantianna Arie Smith, Bowen Reed Soos, Drake A. Tingler, Jordan A. Tingler, Thomas J. Tyran, Joe Van Kirk, Olivia Darling Vogel, Aaris Mariah Williams, Chloe Jane Willrich and Blake Thomas Yendrek.
Brookfield High School graduates 2019