Masury-Brookfield Women’s Club installed officers for the year at a May 13 banquet at Tiffany’s Event Center, Brookfield.
Karen Margala, Northeast District President of the Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs, shown at right in the photo, presided over the installation.
Officers are, from left, Correspondence Secretary Linda Gibson, Treasurer Carrie Davis, President Ruth Hawkins, Vice President Becky Zyvonoski and Recording Secretary Nancy Chomos.
Club members also were recognized for years of service: Joanne Sydlowski, 47 years; Mary Schmidt, 22; Dawn Burns, 17; Sis Hook, 16; Carrie Davis, 13; Ruth Hawkins, 12; Rene’ Martin, nine years; Becky Zyvonoski, Nancy Chomos, Georgianna Schingledecker and JoAnne Varga, six years; Rose Axtell, five years; and Linda Gibson, two years.
Carol Robertson and Melissa Sydlowski are new members.
Women’s club installs officers