The shutdown of the web press used to print newspapers at our long-time printer, Lyle Printing in Salem, Ohio, has brought some changes to NEWS On the Green – among them, our advertising rates.

We secured a new printer for our July edition, but that necessitated a complete overhaul in the size and shape of the newspaper. Whereas our print newspaper size was once a mini broadsheet at 11 inches wide by 17 inches high, the new version is 11 inches wide by not quite 12 inches high.

The change required some tweaking of our ad rates, mostly for the larger ads. These ad rates will be in effect at least through our August edition.

We chose our new printer, The Vindicator Printing Company of Youngstown, just days before it was announced that the Vindicator would be closing at the end of August. We have begun searching for another printer and “all options are on the table,” as far as what size and shape NEWS On the Green may take in the future. Likewise, our ad rates may have to change again, too.

We’ll keep you posted!
