Two women have been hired to teach at Brookfield Elementary School.

Brookfield Board of Education recently hired Sara Parry, left, and Emily Cricks to teach in the elementary school.

Brookfield Board of Education recently hired Sara Parry, left, and Emily Cricks to teach in the elementary school.

On June 26, the school board approved the hiring of Sara Parry of Niles, who will teach third-grade, and Emily Cricks of Sharpsville, who will teach fourth-grade.
Parry taught third-grade at Warren JFK last year and second-grade at Niles the year before.
“I’ve heard about the environment and the workplace (at Brookfield schools), and I’ve heard all positive things, and I’m excited to be a part of that,” she said.
As to what kind of teacher she will be, Parry said, “A positive one, always looking for the best in my students and making sure I’m meeting the needs of every student in that classroom.”
Cricks had taught first-grade for two years at Southside Academy in Youngstown.
“I’m very excited to work in a public school with a lot of great staff members,” she said, adding that she had heard positive things about Brookfield’s work environment and wanted to work closer to home.
She said she will be a “very hands-on” teacher with “inclusive learning in my classroom.”
Cricks and Parry each will be paid $33,487 a year.

Editor’s note: when this story was published in the July print edition of NEWS On the Green, it featured another hire at the elementary school. She has since resigned.
