The number of people who volunteered for Brookfield Parents Association-sponsored events “doubled, if not tripled, this year,” said BPA

Brookfield Parents Association officers are, from left, Secretary Beth Nicholas; Treasurer Jamie Teal; Vice President Brynn Boyce; and President Nikki Jervis.
President Nikki Jervis.
“We got really good people this year,” she said at the BPA’s final meeting of the school year on May 7. “They’re really vested in their kids.”
But people come and go for various reasons, and a group such as the BPA has to constantly replenish its ranks.
That’s one of the reasons BPA plans to do more outreach next school year, including publishing a newsletter that will be given to students once a month to take home to their parents and guardians. The newsletter will highlight activities, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities.
“I think there are a lot of really great parents that aren’t in the BPA,” said parent Jennifer Scharba. “I think a lot of them don’t know” about the BPA.
News of the BPA has been spread primarily through word of mouth and the group’s Facebook page.
“I think it will be really good, not only for the parents, but for teachers,” Jervis said. “Not everyone’s on Facebook.”
The BPA raises money that it puts back into the school by sponsoring field trips, class parties and school events. It also contributes to classroom instruction by helping create a science, technology, engineering and math program and buying items for use in the classroom, such as computer software that the school doesn’t budget for.
“It’s been a great year,” Jervis said, “We got a lot of programs accomplished.”
The group will be adding some new fundraisers next year by working with Texas Roadhouse and selling greeting cards, and getting rid of some old ones, such as the cookie dough sale.
“We’re sick of cookie dough,” Jervis said.
The Daffin’s candy bar sale will remain.
“Everybody loves Daffin’s,” she said.
The group elected officers for the next school year: Jervis, president; Brynn Boyce, vice president; Jamie Teal, treasurer; and Beth Nicholas, secretary.