Brookfield Superintendent Toby Gibson announced that additional security measures will be taken Tuesday in response to threatening and vulgar telephone calls that some students had received.
Brookfield police, who are investigating the calls, will have an officer in the school all day Tuesday, and middle and high school students will not be allowed to bring backpacks or bags to school, Gibson said at just before 7 p.m. Monday in a call to district parents and guardians.
Police Chief Dan Faustino said police received reports Sunday that a couple calls had come in. During the course of the investigation which continued all day today, police learned of more calls and Faustino said he believes five were received.
If anyone received calls and have not reported them, Faustino asked that they do so.
Police are seeking to obtain phone records as part of the investigation, he said.
Faustino said callers made “threatening comments, but almost seemed prankish,” and that they were “threatening to vulgar in nature.”
Here is the full text of Gibson’s message:
“Brookfield Local Schools has learned that some of our students recently received threatening or vulgar phone calls. Our local police department is investigating these calls. As a precaution, students will not be permitted to bring backpacks or bags into the high school or middle school on Tuesday. Brookfield police will also have an officer in the building throughout the day. If you have any information regarding these phone calls, you are asked to contact Brookfield police.
“I also want to take a few seconds to encourage our families to discuss the seriousness of threats and jokes of violence with your children. Neither will be tolerated by our school district or local authorities. As always, we appreciate your understanding.”
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