A Trumbull County grand jury has indicted one man accused of sticking up the Circle K convenience store in Masury, but chose not to indict a second man from an unrelated robbery at the same location.
James Hill, 45, of New Castle, was indicted Jan. 23 on a charge of aggravated robbery. Brookfield police said he walked into Circle K, 902 S. Irvine Ave., on Oct. 28, told the clerk to empty the drawer and acted like he had a gun in his hoodie pocket. He got away with $300, police said.
Hill pleaded not guilty at his arraignment Jan. 29.
Dustin Hilliard, 35, of Butler, was charged by Brookfield police stemming from a Nov. 24 incident, but the grand jury concluded there was not enough evidence to bring the case to trial. He was not immediately released from jail, however, due to an out-of-state warrant.
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