At the January 2020 Brookfield Township trustee’s meeting, Trustee (Dan) Suttles announced he would consider re-initiating the code enforcement appeals board once again. It was not explained to those in attendance how it would be implemented or restarted. Why wasn’t the procedure explained as to what was needed to apply? Could it be they already knew who would be appointed?
At the February meting, Suttles announced the names of those who were appointed to the appeals board,. All but one are the same people as the previous board. How did these people know another appeals board was being considered?
Who contacted them? How were the appointees made aware of another appeals board, when some of them have not attended a township meeting? Was there a notice in the newspaper? Maybe there were other residents who were interested, but how would they have knowledge, since they do not attend the township meetings? At the township meetings, the trustees continually say they want residents to become involved. Why get involved when it is the same people, same idea, same politics?
Mickie Foltz
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Mickey……so very true!! Shame shame shame no progress without change!!!