Brookfield police and the Trumbull County Coroner’s Office are investigating the discovery of a woman’s body found Thursday afternoon by workers in a wooded area on the east side of the 500 block of Brookfield Avenue.
Police Chief Dan Faustino said they are looking into whether there is a connection with a missing person’s report police have been working for some time.
The body has been there for “quite a while” and appears to have been moved, but possibly by the water from heavy rains, he said.
“We don’t suspect foul play, but we won’t be able to rule that out until an autopsy’s done and we work to confirm the identity,” he said. “More than likely, it’s gonna be a natural (death).”
An autopsy likely won’t be done before the weekend, and the identification process could take longer, Faustino said.
“It could be a couple weeks before we have a confirmed identity,” he said. “There’s more questions than answers right now.”
The area where the body was found is “pretty thick back there,” Faustino said. “Workers were back in there because there’s drains, so there’s a manhole cover-type thing back in the woods, right behind” O’Brien Memorial Health Care Center.
Faustino said he did not know who employed the workers.
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