For the second year in a row, Brookfield Middle School was named a Cleveland Clinic Banner School for its participation in the Cleveland Clinic’s Adventures in Health Science and Medicine Program.

Brookfield eighth-grade students, from left, Hayden Hoskin, Anthony Rowe and Dallas Crozier write in their workbooks for Adventures in Health Science and Medicine, a program by the Cleveland Clinic.
“This award recognizes your noteworthy success in leveraging community resources to advance student learning,” a Cleveland Clinic spokesman said in an email to school officials.
The school was provided with a “virtual banner” that it can post on its web site or in school publications.
“Last year, we were in the top 7 percent out of seven states that competed,” school Supt. Toby Gibson told the school board May 20. “This year, we won another banner; we were in the top 24 percent of 166 or 165 school district in 10 states. That’s just a compliment to our staff; our students; Melanie Horn, who was our science teacher this year, for working with our students; and to Craig Boles, our middle school principal, for supporting her.”
About 30 eighth-grade students were selected for the 10-week program to study various medical specialties; the illness diagnosis process from presentation through testing and treatment; the organs of the body; and medical pioneers.
Students made a program-ending video addressing a solution to the problem of asthma inhalers running out of medicine without the user’s knowledge.