Thanks to Brookfield Local School District’s social-distancing protocols, students will attend school normally this week even though an elementary student has tested positive for COVID-19, said school Supt. Toby Gibson.
The school was informed of the positive test Friday by the family and sent an email to students and parents in the late afternoon.
“While we must protect the privacy of the person involved, we believe it is best to communicate transparently with you so you can make well-informed decisions for your family,” Gibson said in the email.
“There is nothing more important to the Brookfield Local School District than the safety and health of our students, our staff and their families,” he said.
School officials consulted with the Trumbull County Combined Health District.
“Through those discussions … it has been determined there are no contacts at this time, because the district’s hybrid plan utilizes social distancing in the classroom, the use of facial coverings, desk shields/barriers and good hygiene practices,” Gibson said.
The hybrid plan means half of students attend classes two days a week, and the other half two other days, although some parents have opted to keep their children at home and study online.
Parents and guardians of students who attend in the school building are asked to assess student health each day before the students board the bus. Students with fevers, cough or shortness of breath should be kept at home, and medical advice sought, school officials said.
“COVID-19 is transmitted through person-to-person contact and through the exchange of respiratory droplets,” Gibson said. “As more cases are being confirmed across the state, including in our community, it is important to be sensible, but to also be vigilant.”
The school will keep up its social-distancing and enhanced cleaning practices, Gibson said, and he asked parents and guardians to model appropriate behavior for their children.
“It is important to remember that children are greatly influenced by the reactions of adults when facing difficult circumstances,” he said. “I encourage everyone to remain calm and to be empathic and respectful to those affected.”
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