Brookfield Township has applied for Issue 1 money to pave Syme Street in Masury.
Issue 1 is a state bond-funded program in which local governments compete for funds for infrastructure projects.
Trustee Ron Haun wanted officials to consider applying for money to work on storm sewer upgrades in Valley View, but came to agree that trying to do both projects at once would be too costly.
“There’s not enough money to do both projects,” he said.
The budget for Syme Street is $177,945, with the township paying $28,472 of that in matching funds.
The project calls for milling the top two inches of pavement, and replacing it with the same thickness of new asphalt. Syme Street, which runs from Warren Sharon Road to Brookfield Avenue, is about 4,000 feet long, he said.
If the project is funded, it would be done in 2022. The township would hire a paving contractor for the work.
The Valley View project was estimated at $245,000, resulting in a local match of about $40,000.
Fredenburg said he plans to meet with the Trumbull County Engineer’s Office, which designed the project and provided cost estimates, to get an estimate on what it would cost for the township to do a section of the proposed work, increasing the size of pipe that takes water from a catch basin on Crestwood Drive and directs it down Wildwood Drive and into a pond owned by the Strimbu family.
The trustees would have to be willing to pay for the materials, which Fredenburg said could cost $10,000 to $15,000.
Haun said he doesn’t want the Valley View project to be ignored.
“The people have been complaining about this since I’ve been in office,” he said.
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