Construction is scheduled to begin April 11 on storm sewer improvements in Masury, which are being done as part of a Neighborhood Revitalization Grant secured by Trumbull County from the state, project officials said at a March 9 pre-construction meeting.
Foust Construction of Girard will replace 820 feet of storm drain and add catch basins and yard drains on Second Street, between Miller Street and Standard Avenue, and along Miller, between Second and Third streets. A headwall also will be built on Miller.
The expected construction end date is June 13.
Trumbull County commissioners have awarded a contract to R.T. Vernal Paving and Excavating Inc., North Lima, to build sidewalks on both sides of Elm Street between Broadway Avenue and Standard. The projected start date is April 30.
Work to build a small park at First Street and Mulberry is a couple of months off, said Julie Green, executive director of the Trumbull County Planning Commission, and grant manager.
The projects are largely funded by a $750,000 Community Development Block Grant, federal money funneled through the state to address the needs of low- and moderate-income individuals and neighborhoods.
Because the storm sewer and paving and sidewalk bids came in below budget, there is extra money to be used for more work, about $260,000. The trustees have set as a priority the paving of the remaining streets in the area: Chestnut, Oak, Mulberry, Locust and South. The Trumbull County Engineer’s Office estimated the paving at $213,000.
Trustees also are eyeing installing solar-powered, blinking-light stop signs at the southwest corner of Elm and Standard Avenue, and the northwest corner of Miller and Standard, estimated at $2,400; building a sidewalk between Elm and First to ease walking to and from the new park, $15,000; upgrading the mulch base at the park from wood chips to rubber material; and replacing uneven sidewalks. Officials did not have cost estimates for the mulch or sidewalk replacement.
Green said she will have to amend the grant documents and hold a public hearing, then develop specifications and seek bids for the additional work and/or issue change orders to existing contractors. However, she said she believed the additional work will be able to be completed by Aug. 31, the deadline set in the CDBG.
Using other funds secured as part of the project, four houses in the neighborhood have been rehabilitated, Green said.
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