Construction is expected to begin as early as May 10 on the Masury Neighborhood Revitalization
Tom Boscarillo of R.T. Vernal Paving and Excavating Inc., North Lima, the company awarded a contract
to build sidewalks on Elm Street and to pave Elm, First, Second, Third and Short streets, said that Foust
Construction of Girard plans to commence storm sewer work on Second and Miller streets either the week
of May 10 or 17.
Foust is a subcontractor of Vernal’s contract and will start on the sidewalks at the same time, Boscarillo
said April 27.
Foust was preparing storm sewer work plans for county officials, and would order material for the storm
sewer project after the approval is granted, Boscarillo said.
Trumbull County Deputy Engineer Gary Shaffer said he will add to Vernal’s contract the building of 325
feet of sidewalk on the east side of Mulberry Street between Elm and First Streets, to the site of where a
pocket park will be built. The township’s road crew recently cut down a tree that was in the path of the sidewalk.
Trumbull County commissioners approved a change order April 28 to upgrade the fall surface of the park
from mulch to a maintenance-free rubberized material. Officials did not know when the park would be
installed, but said the work should not conflict with any of the other construction going on in the
The park will have a variety of exercise stations, and Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership will build a
free library on the site.
All work is funded largely by a Community Development Block Grant, federal money the county
obtained from the state
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