“It’s not easy working here in Brookfield.”
Those were opening words from Brookfield Fire Chief David Masirovits as he welcomed people to the
first of what he hopes becomes an annual event – an awards ceremony for members of the fire
Just think of all the different kinds of calls the department can get, the chief said: a house fire in a close
neighborhood, a barn fire, a gas well fire, a traffic crash with a truck carrying a hazardous material, a
water rescue, an incident in a large commercial or public building, or an industrial accident.
“My point is, here at Brookfield, we have to be, and are, well-versed in all areas,” Masirovits said. “Our
residents rely upon us to, not only show up when they call, but they like it when we actually know what
we’re doing.”
Throw in a pandemic that has changed many aspects of department operation and the demands have not
gotten any easier.
“There is a high demand put upon them, but it isn’t without reason,” Masirovits said. “This is a no BS
kind of job. I want them to be at their best. I want them to be the elite.”
And, the members of the department have met those very high expectations, he said. Hence, the Oct. 3
awards ceremony.
“I know we could never begin to thank you or repay you for this loyalty and commitment that you show,
but I feel that each of you who has served should be recognized for your perseverance,” Masirovits told his
firefighters and medical personnel.
For this first year, Masirovits chose the recipients himself, with his officers brought in for advice on some
awards. The awards went to:
Fire Officer of the Year: full-time Capt. Steven Smoot.
Firefighter of the Year: part-time firefighter Brian Stanley.
EMS Provider of the Year: part-time firefighter Carly Jackson.
Distinguished Service Awards: full-time firefighter Derek Hollander and part-time firefighter Dustin
Medal of Valor: full-time Capt. Nick Cresanto.
EMS Special Recognition Award: full-time firefighter Aaron Walker.
COVID-19 First Responder Awards: full-timers Steven Smoot, James Williamson, Nick Cresanto,
Russel Vereshack, Derek Hollander and Aaron Walker; volunteer James Richmond; and part-timers Matt
Lucy, Eric Miller, Tim Mosora, Aaron Kasiewicz, Burton Miller, Caleb Richmond, Ron Reed, Jon
Zemko, Emily Stone, Travis Birch, Kyle Stern, Joey Milano, Dustin Beauchene, Julian Janoviak, Alexis
Walent, Carly Jackson, Tucker Huffman, Cyler Reed, Cameron Dragon, Dylan Campbell, Steven Maych,
Jacob Pyatt, David Hoffman, Jordan Elswick, Jessica Greer, Brian Stanley, Ian Murphy, Jeff Mussig and
Eric Lyszaz.
Fire Chief’s Award: Russel Vereshack
Special Recognition: Brookfield Township Police Department and Burghill-Vernon Township Volunteer
Fire Department.
Certificates of Appreciation: Trustees Ron Haun, Dan Suttles and Gary Lees.
The chief also used the event to hold a public swearing-in ceremony for Capt. James Williamson,
volunteer Capt. James Richmond, Derek Hollander, Russel Vereshack and Aaron Walker. Typically, they
would be sworn in at a public meeting of the trustees, but they were hired during the pandemic, when the
trustees were not meeting in person.
Photo by Gerard Zarella.