Brookfield officials on Feb. 7 gave the Trumbull County Engineer the approval to advertise for bids to pave Syme Street in Masury.
The township has been awarded an Issue 1 grant to pay for the majority of the work. Issue 1 is a competitive, bond-financed program that provides money to local governments for infrastructure projects.
Officials had applied for a second Issue 1 grant to pave at least some of the streets that intersect with Syme on the West Hill, but that grant was not awarded, said Road Supt. Jaime Fredenburg.
The 2020 estimate to pave Syme Street was $178,000, of which Issue 1 would pay about $150,000, and the township would pay the remainder. The project calls for milling the top two inches of existing pavement and replacing it with the same thickness of new pavement.
Syme Street is 4,000 feet long. It will be paved this summer.
Fredenburg noted that there are many township roads that need work. He said the trustees are waiting for Fiscal Officer Dena McMullin to make the 2022 budget before discussing what additional road work they would be interested in doing this year.