Here is a breakdown of how Brookfield Township Republicans voted in the Aug. 2 primary election in the race for state representative for the 65th District:
Randy Law Mike Loychick
Precinct A 30 73
Precinct B 10 34
Precinct D 9 9
Precinct E 4 19
Precinct H 18 46
Precinct K 17 42
Precinct L 6 27
Totals 94 250
Here is a breakdown of Brookfield Township turnout in the Aug. 2 primary election:
Registered voters Ballots cast Dem. voters Rep. voters Blank ballots Turnout %
Precinct A 930 139 36 103 0 14.95
Precinct B 809 77 32 45 0 9.52
Precinct D 828 43 25 18 1 5.19
Precinct E 834 52 28 24 0 6.24
Precinct H 833 87 23 54 0 10.44
Precinct K 1,005 100 41 59 0 9.95
Precinct L 544 57 24 33 0 10.48
Totals 5,783 555 209 336 1 9.60
Note: Yankee Lake is part of Precinct A.
Source: Trumbull County Board of Elections
The following issues are on the ballot for the Nov. 8 general election:
- Brookfield Township, an additional 3.5-mill, continuous levy for the construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of roads and bridges
- Trumbull County, a renewal of a 1.5-mill, 10-year levy for developmental disabilities programs.
- Trumbull County Metropolitan Park District, an additional 0.6-mill, 10-year levy for parks and recreational purposes.
- Yankee Lake, a renewal of a 3.9-mill, 5-year levy for current operating expenses.