8141 Davis St.
Brookfield Township has resolved two property maintenance cases in Trumbull County Eastern District Court.
Matthew Byknish complied with an order to fix the roof of his home at 8244 Lincoln St., and Brookfield Code Enforcement Officer Peter Ross asked that Judge Marty Nosich dismiss a criminal charge of violating the township’s Exterior Property Maintenance Code.
Nosich complied with the request and dismissed the charge Dec. 1.
Byknish agreed to pay $110 in court costs and that Ross had probable cause to file the charge.
In the second case, Stephen Zanolli of 8127 Ulp St., Masury, pleaded guilty Jan. 19 to violating the code, and was fined $50 and ordered to pay $110 in court costs.
Zanolli “has committed verbally to demolishing the dwelling (8141 Davis St.) when the weather breaks,” Ross told the trustees Jan. 23. Ross said his ultimate goal is to get the house torn down because the roof is caving in.
“He did admit, he said it’s beyond repair,” Ross said.
If Zanolli doesn’t live up to his verbal commitment, the township can file a new charge, Ross said.