Members of the Brookfield High School Class of 1962 recently met at Laddie’s in Masury to celebrate their 80th birthdays. First row from left, Sharon Bibby Leckie, John Jablonski, Freda Damato Skibo, Rosemarie Bachick Rodgers, Sally Swartz Miglecz and Nancy Martin. Middle row from left, Nancy Korbar Chomos, Peggy Ferringer DeJulia, Jan Cratsley Scott, Phyllis Pinckney Bolling, Mary Emery Burns and Laurine “Laddie” Marmion Kurpe. Third row from left, Bob Custer, Ellwood Walker, Jack Wilkin, Stan Goleb, Rich Palombi, Jane Lektorich Gentile, Fred Sydlowski and Tom Vojtko.
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