NEWS On the Green™
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Advertising Rates
Display advertising
A. Full back page (10″ x 10″) …………………………….. $330
B. Full inside page (10” x 10”) ………………………….. $300
C. 3/4 page (7.5” x 10”) ……………………………………. $225
D. Page 1 banner, bottom (2” x 10”) …………………. $200
E. 1/2 page (5” x 10”) ……………………………………….. $175
F. 1/3 page (5” x 7.5”) …………………,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…………. $130
G. 1/4 page (5” x 5”) ………………………………………….. $100
H. Inside page banner (2” x 10”) ………………………… $80
I. Supersized Biz card (2.5” x 4”) ……………………….. $50
J. Business card-size ads (3.25” x 2”) ………………….. $40
K. Mini (2” x 2.5”) ……………………………………………….. $35
L. Special monthly ad (2.5″ wide x 0.5″ high) ………. $10
M. Online only …………………………………………………… $50
***NOTE: Insert your advertising flyer into 2,500 copies
of NEWS On the Green for 10 cents per copy ($250)
Become a dedicated advertiser and earn discounts
with pre-payment advertising:
3-month–contract = 5% discount
6-month-contract = 7% discount
9-month-contract = 10% discount
1-year contract = 15% discount
Contact Judi at 330-718-3840 or to receive discounts. Thank you!
Classified advertising:
$5 for 20 words; additional words cost 10 cents each
Contact Judi at 330-718-3840 or to place, and receive an invoice for, a classified ad. Thank you!