We at NEWS On the Green are excited to announce that our readers and supporters have another option to support the work of this community news service. In addition to advertising, donating or subscribing, you may now become a sponsor.
It takes a lot of time and effort to gather and report the news of this community. We hope you value it enough to help keep NEWS On the Green going. Check it out here on our website menus under “Advertise or sponsor”: http://newsonthegreen.com/advertise/ and below.
Sponsor a page
We are now taking page and column sponsors for NEWS On the Green!
Do you like the police, fire or school news pages? How about Randy Richman’s safety tips columns or Elizabeth Boozer’s nuggets of local history? Have a lucky number and want to sponsor that page?
Or maybe this news is invaluable to you and you just want it to continue?
Sponsorship banners are available for all pages except our front page and those with a full-page ad on them. The banners are 1/2-inch deep and 10 inches wide across the top of the page and list your name, or that of your company or organization, with contact information, if you wish. (All print edition ads run in black and white.)
Back page $225
Inside page $200
Become a dedicated sponsor and earn discounts
with pre-payment of sponsorship:
3-month–contract = 5% discount
6-month-contract = 7% discount
9-month-contract = 10% discount
1-year contract = 15% discount