Brookfield Elementary School has begun its annual Read-A-Thon in which students sign up sponsors to donate money based on the number of minutes the kids read.
This year’s goal is $15,000, with the proceeds going toward the creation of a level library, a literacy program in which students read books geared to their individual reading levels.
“They (students) love the Read-A-Thon.” said Principal Stacey Filicky. “It’s a big deal around here. They get their theme days when they wear their special clothes. Our theme is, “We love to read,’ because it’s a Valentine’s Day time this year.”
The top students earn rewards, including online prizes and book fair gift cards.
The school, with the help of the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library, will hold Family Literacy Night on Feb. 11 for for families with children in grades one, two and three.
Elementary secretary Barbara Simon coordinates Read-A-Thon, which is running Feb. 3-14.
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