The Brookfield Township Zoning Resolution failed by 19 votes in the November election. That margin of defeat is too slim not to try again, Trustee Ron Haun has said.
The trustees have not officially acted to put the question on the next November ballot, but they have been laying the groundwork. Trustee Gary Lees has been talking to people about serving on the zoning committee, which would be tasked with promoting the ordinance to voters.
“I’m looking at holding a special meeting sometime in April,” Lees said on April 2. “I talked to (Fiscal Officer) Dena McMullin about the steps in looking at putting zoning on the ballot again. We want to make sure we take the proper steps as necessary. After that, we’ll be having candidates and people that’d like to be on the zoning board.”
Lees’ announcement was met with a few groans from residents in the audience at the meeting, and comments of “Here we go again.”
Lees noted the basic infrastructure to put the resolution before voters already is in place, and the resolution would be the same as what was voted on in November.
“There’s not much left but getting the word out, the marketing part,” Lees said.