Trumbull County has a primary May 8 and, while there a lot of races, not many are contested.
Democratic ballot
One of the most visible races is contested, that of county commissioner. Democratic Commissioner Frank Fuda is seeking reelection, but Lisha Pompili Baumiller is trying to unseat him. Both of the candidates have appeared at events for Brookfield Citizens Against Injection Wells and offered their support for the effort.

Fuda, of Niles, is a former teacher and Niles councilman.
Pompili Baumiller unsuccessfully tried to unseat Fuda in the last election, and has the endorsement of the Trumbull County Democratic Party. She is a City of Hubbard councilwoman and works for a Hubbard business.

Two people are seeking the Democratic nomination to be a Trumbull County Common Pleas Court Judge of the Domestic Juvenile Division, Samuel Bluedorn and Jack Pico.
Bluedorn is a criminal defense attorney, a former Marine and a member of the Howland Township Board of Zoning Appeals and carries the party’s endorsement.
Pico, of Niles, is in his second stint as a magistrate for the court and his private practice legal specialties were domestic relations and business law.
U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Howland, who serves the 17th District, has two challengers: Robert Crow of Youngstown and John Luchansky of Boardman.
While Ryan has risen to prominence in the party and tried to wrest control of the House party leadership from Nancy Pelosi, Crow, who works in communication and public relations, said Ryan has lost touch with his constituents, according Crow’s Linked In account. Luchansky told the Youngstown Vindicator his sole reason for running is to conduct a congressional probe into the Poland police shooting of Doug Jones, Jr.
Unchallenged Democratic incumbents are Auditor Adrian Biviano; 63rd District State Rep. Glenn Holmes; 11th District Court of Appeals Judge Mary Jane Trapp; and common pleas court Judges Ronald Rice, Andrew Logan and Sandra Stabile Harwood.
Several Brookfield residents are on the ballot for county central committee posts: John Miller, Precinct A; Paula Kirila, Precinct B; Gary Lees, Precinct D; and Rocco Vadala, Precinct L.
State Sen. Sean O’Brien of Brookfield is running for a state committee seat open to men against Tom Letson of Warren. On the women’s side, Dawn Cantalamessa of Warren and Carol Holmes of McDonald are vying.
Republican ballot
Among Republicans, Mary Williams of Cortland is running for commissioner and Jim Hughes of Cortland for the 63rd District seat.
Three people are seeking the 11th District seat: Matt Lynch, Colleen O’Toole and Casey O’Brien.
O’Toole is in her second stint on the court, and started her own business providing interpreting services between terms. Lynch is a private practice attorney who has served as a Bainbridge Township trustee and member of the state House.
O’Brien is unopposed in the race for the seat currently held by Trapp. He is a magistrate in Preble County Common Pleas Court.
Sarah Kovoor is running for the judgeship also coveted by Pico and Bluedorn.
The state central committee candidates are: Michael Farrell of Chardon; Ron Knight, Warren; Randy Law, Warren; and Patrick O’Brien of Rome for the men, and Kathi Creed of Niles and Melissa Pope of Ashtabula for the women.
Republican county committee candidates in Brookfield are: Beverly Tupper and Cathy Lukasko, Precinct A; Hallie McGee, Precinct H; and Stephen Ferrebee, Precinct L.
State Issue 1
A proposed constitutional amendment would seek to end the traditional process of gerrymandering, where the party in power draws the political district lines for U.S. House seats.
The amendment would set up a seven-member commission consisting of the governor, the auditor of state and the secretary of state, and members appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, the president of the Senate, and the heads of the political parties not in the majority in each body of the General Assembly.
Supporters say the amendment would create a fair, bipartisan, transparent system of setting political boundaries, and would limit splits within counties and municipalities. A redistricting plan would be subject to public hearings before it can be approved.
Opponents say the current system is adequate and voters still have control of the actions of their representatives through the voting process.
The proposed amendment and arguments for and against it can be read at the Ohio Secretary of State web site.