Should Brookfield voters approve zoning in the November election, the township trustees plan to appoint Code Enforcement Officer Jimmy Ewing to take on the duties of zoning officer, in addition to continuing the duties of his current job, Trustee Ron Haun said.

Jimmy Ewing
“We don’t have any intent of adding an employee,” Haun said, and Ewing still will work only 30 hours a week, as he is doing now.
“The township expenditure for the code officer shouldn’t change,” Haun said.
Ewing has been a zoning officer in the past.
“There are very successful communities that have officers that do both code and zoning at the same time,” said Brookfield Township Zoning Commission alternate member Leyla Sartori, who performs both jobs on a part-time basis for Sharon. “While keeping them separate, they’re two separate entities, and they’re very successful in doing that.”