A pipe in the fire suppression system separated and flooded Brookfield Middle School this morning, Feb. 2.
The fire alarm went off at about 4:30 a.m. and Brookfield firefighters responded to find about 3 inches of water on the floor, said Superintendent Velina Jo Taylor.
It is not known if the separation is related to movement in the building caused by shifting shale under the building, but Taylor said she would notify the experts administrators have hired to examine the movement.
Officials were trying to get the fire suppression system fixed and certified in time for the varsity and junior varsity girls basketball games to be held as scheduled at 2 p.m.
“We can’t occupy the building if we don’t have a fire suppression system,” Taylor said.
It is not known whether classes will be affected.
“We’ll know more tomorrow,” Taylor said. “If we’re dry, we’ll be able to have school.”
If any classes are affected, it would only be in the middle school, as the water did not reach the elementary and high schools, she said.
The pipe burst in the area of the middle school bathroom, and Nate Berry’s classroom next door got water coming in through the ceiling. He threw away volcanoes and other student projects that were on counters in his room and took on water.
“It could be worse,” Berry said of the damage.
Disaster Recovery Services workers brought in equipment to suck up the water, which got into 10 to 12 classrooms.
“They’re gonna work all day today and they’ll be back tomorrow,” Taylor said. “They’ve been tremendous.”