As we put together the September edition of NEWS On the Green, it’s a case of trying to squeeze two gallons of water into a one-gallon jug. We simply do not have the room to run all the stories and photos that we have available. We could add more pages to the paper, but that would cost more money, and we do not have sufficient financial support to do that. That’s why we need our readers to come through for us. If you support our efforts to provide the news of Brookfield, Masury and Yankee Lake, we need those who read our newspaper or stories online to donate to the cause. Please consider a donation so that the news can keep coming. Donations can be sent by check or money order – made out to NEWS On the Green – to NEWS On the Green, 8122 Warren Sharon Road, Masury OH 44438. Donations also can by made by credit card at our web site, Other ways you can help are to subscribe – we offer home, mail and email delivery – and advertise. More information on subscribing or advertising is available at our web site, or you can call us at 330-718-3840.
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