Each year, the week of Oct. 9 is Fire Prevention Week in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire, which began on Oct. 8, 1871, and caused devastating damage. This year, the National Fire Prevention Association is promoting “Look, Listen and Learn!” as a way of staying safe.
Look – for places a fire could start, such as a kitchen, garage, trash bin, etc.
Listen – for the sound of a smoke alarm.
Learn – two ways out of each room.
Prevention is key – place smoke detectors on each floor of your home and outside of bedrooms, and change the batteries when you change your clocks. It’s also important to listen for alarms and practice safe ways to get out of the home with your family, friends and roommates. While we never know when an emergency will occur, it’s always best to be prepared!
Practice fire safety at home, work and places you recreate by keeping ignition sources such as fire and hot, smoldering or smoking items away from flammable materials and fluids. Never use an open flame on a windy day, and do not burn openly. Keep all fires contained in an approved burning device such as a fireplace or commercial fire pit, made for burning clean wood safely.
Stay safe, and be sure you do your part to promote fire safety, this and every month!
Randy Richman is a captain in the Brookfield Township Volunteer Fire Department, a part-time Brookfield firefighter and paramedic, and a firefighting instructor.
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