Stories from NEWS On the Green are now available on the Youngstown Radio Reading Service run by Youngstown Area Goodwill Industries Inc.
NEWS On the Green stories are read from 6 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays.
The radio reading service serves those with impaired vision or a physical condition that prevents them from holding printed material, said Mike Muder, manager of Youngstown Radio Reading Service.
“Any reason why anybody has difficulty reading print, that’s what we’re here for,” Muder said. “Our mission is to provide independent access to printed information for people who are print-impaired.”
Volunteers read from local and national newspapers, books, magazines, TV listings and grocery advertisements 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There also are poetry segments, interviews with noteworthy community members and a program called “Living with Blindness” to help the blind navigate the seeing world, especially for those who are newly blind.
“If you were to look at our program schedule, pretty much any interest somebody would have, there’s something represented somewhere in the schedule,” Muder said.
The entire program schedule is available at
The service can be heard through a special radio that is available for free from Goodwill. It also is streamed through the Goodwill webpage, Amazon Alexa’s voice-oriented Skill app and the TuneIn streaming service.
The radio reading service was started in 1976 by Youngstown Society for the Blind. When the society closed in 1992, Goodwill took over the program.
There are about 75 volunteers who read for the service, and they tend to be loyal, but more are always sought, Muder said.
For information about the radio reading program, call Goodwill at 330-759-7921, or the radio reading service directly at 330-759-0100.
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