Sometime around the first of March, Brookfield police patrolman Jay First will have the opportunity to rejoin the police department.
First, who pleaded no contest Wednesday to two charges stemming from a shooting incident in October in Girard, was told Thursday that he had been suspended for nine weeks, Police Chief Dan Faustino said Friday.
First will have to undergo an evaluation with a psychologist — who must clear him for duty — in order for First to return to work, Faustino said.
Once he returns, First will lose his ability to use seniority – he’s been on the force for 20 years – in bidding for shifts for one year, and will lose his investigative duties (he was assisting the detective one day a week as staffing permitted) for one year.
He still will do some investigation related to his specialty, auto theft, Faustino said.
First also was put on notice that, if he violates any law or department policy because of his involvement with alcohol within three years, he will be fired, Faustino said.
First will have “bridges to mend” with his fellow officers on the force when he comes back, but also has an opportunity to address any personal issues he has, Faustino said.
First has been a good policeman and good in the community during his 20 years, and has experienced community support during the pending of his case, Faustino said.
“I think we’ll actually have a better officer at the end than he was,” Faustino said.
For more details, see the Jan. 5 print edition of NEWS On the Green.