Hungry For the Arts, a fundraiser for the Brookfield Backpack Charitable Fund, will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. March 7 at Tiffany Event Center, 601 Bedford Road, Brookfield.
The event will include a spaghetti dinner, dessert bar, art show featuring Brookfield students, basket auction, music by the Brookfield High Jazz Band, an art project station and a photo booth.
Winners of the Brookfield Student Art Contest will be announced, and members of the Brookfield Drama Club will perform skits.
The Brookfield Backpack Charitable Fund provides take-home weekend meals for Brookfield Elementary School students.
Tickets are $10 each or $25 for a family and will be available at the door.
Information: call Tracy Plyler at 330-719-5964, or email her at
The Brookfield Backpack Charitable Fund is a fund of the Community Foundation of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio.
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