Brookfield Police Department has received a $2,000 grant from the Kirila Family Fund that will be used to buy an automated external defibrillator, and items for the honor guard, said Police Chief Dan Faustino.
The department has two AEDs, which analyze the heart’s rhythm in a suspected cardiac arrest cases, and delivers an electric shock to establish normal rhythm. They are carried in on-duty patrol cars. The third unit would go into a third car, when a third officer is on duty, and act as a backup.
When an AED is used, the pads need to be replaced before it can be used again, Faustino said. The third unit keeps two on the road until all units are again in service.
“In the last two weeks, here, they’ve had to use those twice, so then it becomes where one’s out of service, waiting to get the pads replaced,” Faustino said Feb. 24.
When not in service, the third unit will be stored at the police station.
The police department has an honor guard that appears at special community events, such as the Memorial Day observance, and funerals. The Department of the Army provides the weapons and blank ammunition, but the department is responsible for any other items needed, he said.
With the Kirila Family Fund money, the department plans to buy gloves for the honor guard members, cases to protect the weapons when in transit and cleaning supplies, Faustino said.
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